Get Out to Vote Political Campaigns

How a state legislative campaign tracked which supporters had not yet voted and got them to the polls, and won their campaign.

In a mid-term primary state legislative campaign one of the biggest concerns is voter turn-out. Most voters do not engage much in these races, and when you’re in a tough primary challenge getting out your core supporters is essential. The campaign knew from previous polling that the race was close, and knew they needed a solution for a strong GOTV push.

The campaign team found Vottiv and got in contact quickly. With Vottiv’s voter targeting, campaigns are able to filter on who has not yet voted. Updated every day, this is an essential for a get out to vote effort. This filter automatically pulled data from the states office of elections and filtered for all voters who had not yet voted.

The campaign quickly built out their key voter groups with a number of demographic and political model filters. They added the ‘Who has not yet voted’ filter and could see daily which of their supporters they needed to reach out to.

A few days after the ‘Who has voted’ filter had started updating and two weeks until election day only 7% of their targeted voter groups had voted. They set up door-to-door canvassing their target groups in Vottiv’s Canvasser app. Their volunteers and team left door hangers to remind voters to fill out, and turn in their ballots. They were able to track all updates in real-time on Vottiv’s platform. They saw the daily percentage go up slowly the first days, but a few days into their canvassing effort it jumped to 38% of their targeted voters who had turned in ballots with one week until election day. 

With their targeted voter group now shrinking they sent a ‘Get out and vote’ mailer through the Vottiv platform and had 3 text blasts sent out to the voters in the groups. These two efforts plus evening canvassing by the candidate and a few volunteers. By election day 64% of their group had voted. They sent out one last text blast that day, and waited for the results to come in.

The candidate won his campaign by a narrow margin of a few hundred votes winning 51.7% of the votes. Targeting his key supporters without a doubt got more of them to the polls, and helped him win his campaign.

We offer software and high-quality data to political campaigns of all sizes to make connecting with voters simple, easy, and affordable for anyone. Vottiv’s platform is an essential tool for any cost-conscious campaign from the start of your campaign to election day. Head to our website to learn more about how we can help you connect with voters and win your campaign.