Campaigning in the digital era

I bet you thought this blog post was going to talk about how effective online campaigning is. This is going in the exact opposite direction. haha. We all wish online campaigning was a silver-bullet that would win your campaign. But the reality is everyone is online, everyone has the same access to the same online tools, and do the same strategies. So, most voters are numb to it. It is essential to do the online campaigning, but if you really want to stand out, and win. You need to do the hard, and uncomfortable work and go back to the basics. Hard work alone in the areas of a campaign most won’t do can win you your election alone.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” —President Calvin Coolidge

In this post, we will talk about how to do the hard work to stand out and win your campaign in the digital age.

Everyone campaigns online— it’s easy!

Online campaigning is important—but it’s not the whole story. To be a successful candidate, you need to be everywhere: online and offline. If you’re online alone, with a few yard signs here or there you’re just like everyone else in the race.

The internet is great at reaching people at scale, easily, and inexpensively. But this is no secret, so everyone does it. When everyone does something it tends to take away the significance, and numb people to the message. If you’re running for a local office chances are voter engagement is pretty low. It often comes down to name recognition. If you’re online alone like everyone else you will not be remembered, especially if you’re not an incumbent.

Everyone campaigns online—it’s easy! It is easy to make a website, it is easy to run ads, and it is easy to post on social media. That’s why everyone does it.

You need to do the online. Here are the essentials.

Online is important, but if you do traditional offline campaigning, you’ll stand out.

The essentials to do online: text and email your supporters, go on all social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn (maybe tiktok if you’re cool enough); create a website for your campaign; guest podcast on other people’s shows; write a blog post about your plans if elected to office (you can send voters here later); send press releases to local media outlets.

Back-to-basics approach will make you win!

A back-to-basics approach could also be called, ‘doing the hard part no one else will do’. If you are willing to walk streets, knock on doors, put on cottage meetings, and several other uncomfortable campaign strategies. Your chances of winning will skyrocket. So, how do you manage and do all these things?


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